Thursday, January 13, 2011

What is the Epitome of Absurdity?

Every blog needs it's jumping off point. It needs that one post (I prefer it's the first post) that basically states the purpose of the blog. Why it was started and what does the author or authors intend to make their main topic. For this blog that is exactly what this post is all about.

Maybe it's just because that as I get older I start to see these things more and more. Perhaps they were always there but I was just too young and too immature to give a rip about them. But it seems more and more today the masses are treated as if we are too stupid to know better, and on the flip side some act as if they are too stupid to know better. All I am asking for is some consistency and common sense. Don't tell me one thing and do another. Don't tell me what is important and then ignore it.

In short, this blog won't be restricted to just one subject. I find absurdity in all areas of life. I know, I know, many who will read this will think that it's just one person's opinion so why in the world should they care? Well, since you ask, you shouldn't care. At least about my opinion. You should care about the subject at hand. What do you think? How do you feel about it? Is it as equally absurd to you as it is to me, or am I just being that old cranky man on his front porch yelling at kids to get off his lawn? You ever hear that old line "Someone had to say it." Well sometimes I feel like I just have to say it.....or I guess in this case write it.

So whether you agree, disagree, like, or dislike what I write I encourage anyone and everyone to comment and let me know what you think and maybe even get a good discussion started about the topic at hand.

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